
Jahonotin Uvaysiy

Fano mardumlarini sirridin hech kimsa yoʻq ogoh,
Qabih guftor mardumdin koʻngul dogʻ oʻldi, dogʻ oʻldi.

The poet created beautiful and heart-warming works based on the ideas of human destiny, free will and enlightenment based on the views of progressive figures in literature. In her works, she glorified man, encouraged people to enjoy the pleasures of nature and life, and expressed her noble intentions about friendship, loyalty and loyalty in verses of the Qur'an, hadiths and mystical interpretations. They have reached perfection if they are based on it. In her poems, there are many interpretations related to the requirements and rules of the sect. 
These definitions was given prefectly by poetess Jahon Otin Uvaisiy. Jahon otin Uvaisiy (1780-1845), a famous poetess, teacher of Uzbek poets, was born in Margilon. Her father Siddiq Baba wrote poems in two languages. Chinnibibi's mother was Otinoyi, and her brother Okhunjon was famous as a hafiz. Uvaisi married to a carpenter named Hajikhan, but her personal life was not the happy one.. She  started  living in Kokand  Khan's palace in sympathy with Nadira. She died in Margilon at the age of 65.
The poet creates a series of the most beautiful feelings through the art of contrasts with the tashbihs of the sea and the sun. Her lyrical hero is an observant sage and a faithful lover. Her famous poem about pomegranate stands out as a bright page of the poet's work with its important content and high artistry.
Uvaisiy became famous for her elegant lyrics in her lifetime and won the attention of her contemporaries. In addition to her lyrical poems, she has lyrical works such as "Prince Hasan", and historical epics such as "The Story of Muhammad Ali Khan". Lyro epics of the poetess were created on the basis of events related to the history of Islam. Uvaisi's works are widely spread among the public with their gentle content and heartfelt artistry, and are sung by hafiz and singers in the way of maqam and folk melodies.
Translated by G. Saidova, English language teacher at Secondary specialized women's Islamic college "Khadichai Kubro"

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